Saturday 29 January 2011

Sunday 9 January 2011

"...If you work hard and are nice to people, you will do amazing things"

I can't remember who said this but I hope the above quote is true. Sometimes it would seem that only those with absolute cut throat ambition go places in life. I feel like I have worked hard lately and I try to be a nice person but sometimes it's hard to catch a break.

Friday was the big interview day and I think it went well, although I am wary of getting my hopes up as dreams have been dashed before. At some point next week I will know my fate and if lucky, will be scoring a tasty 50% discount at one of the highstreet's top retailers. Not to mention be working at a great place to start a career in the world of fashion.

Until then I shall wait with bated breath, and everything crossed.

Grrr this is painful


Last night has made me want to throw a party along these lines........

The Sartorialist

This is a really nice film and if it's possible I love Scott Schumann even more now.

Thursday 6 January 2011


from ungtblod

Headache Central

Everything is giving me a headache at the moment but I think this is mainly due to the feeling that the end is nigh. Having been accosted by two Jehovah Witnesses within days of each other and being told by both to repent, coupled with the 5600 birds that have fallen out of the sky on three separate occasions in the last week, and the 83,000 fish that washed up dead on a beach, I feel like those crazy religious folk might be on to something.

The problem is as much as I think I should repent I don't really know what or how to, especially as I will probably carry on in the same atheist vein. Sure I have had far too many vodka and diet cokes in my life, I may have sworn on the odd occasion and I can't profess to love all of my neighbours all of the time but in general I think I have been an okay person.

So in order to stop this constant headache I have decided not to repent, to carry on as normal and have some fun times. I might help the elderly a bit more though. And when the day comes I'll probably end up in hell with the rest of my friends. It will be one big non stop party, well that is aside from the murderers and rapists.

Ahhh a burden has just been lifted

Tuesday 4 January 2011


From Flickr - Of The Holy Blood


A little while ago I was bored and amusing myself with Issue 11 of Lula magazine. There was a feature in the magazine where someone (her name escapes me right now) asked her friends a selection of questions that help you get to know a person. A few days later when I was even more bored I asked my good friend Phalice a few questions. These are her unedited answers.......

1. Favourite childhood book?

Toughie. There are a few. You don't get to be a literary genius like I am without reading a fair few books as a child.
I would have to go ahead and say the Narnia books by C.S. Lewis. All except the silver chair as I wasn't allowed to read it because my mum deemed it too frightening.

2. Favourite Villain?
What kind of question is this? Who likes villains? Also, are we talking real life or fictional? If we are talking real life: I'v always had a thing for Charles Mansion, but you knew that. Fictional: Ummm dunno. Il give you the best of both worlds and go for Perry Smith. (Of In Cold Blood.)

3. Favourite sidekick?
This is stupid. No one has a favorite sidekick but I would have to say you. (You'r my sidekick.)

4. Favourite song of all time?
Well it used to be Frankie Goes to Hollywood: The Power of Love but I think thats a bit gay. Maybe Starman: I don't Wanna Dance??

5. Favourite season?
Summer, obv.

6. Favourite thing to collect?
Ummm I like miniature things. But I don't really like clutter. So Im gonna have to say good memories.

7. Characteristic you most admire in others?
The ability to play a (non gay) instrument (altho I have gone off guys in bands recently...) Someone who is multi-lingual, someone who makes me laugh and intelligence.

8. Favourite name that is not your own?

9. Lemon or Lime?
Not much difference in taste really. So on colour alone, lemon.

10. First Love?
Hmmm well my first proper love was probably ****. But first crush was like James Chilton or someone I think.

(Okay one edit but I'm sure she doesn't want her first love out there for the world to see.)

Alice Aitken ladies and gentlemen, an interesting character.